Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Athiest Bus Adverts - Richard Dawkins Again

Here we go again! The British Humanist Society has raised thirty grand or so for some ads to be put on London buses which say 'There probably is no God so go out and enjoy life'. I was thinking maybe they could try a few more. What about...

'Make someone's day - tell them there's no heaven.'

'You dont have a soul - after death you cease to exist.'

'Your just an accident of atoms. Your life is meaningless.'

or what about the more scriptural

'Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.'

since Dr Dawkins believes that athiesm should be indoctrinated into children - maybe a school bus could have the banner about Christmas, Easter or what happens to a parent, sibling, when they die. I'm sure nothing is too cruel for BHS.


Anonymous said...

Over reaction much??

It's just an advert.

I guess you have no issues with religious advertising?

And Dr Dawkins does not want to indoctrinate children with 'Atheism', he wants children to be free of doctrine until they have the mental tool kit to understand the ideas presented to them.

Unknown said...

One small wee ad and all the sudden I can feel the quivering from the religious. Of course, ne'er a word said about the the religious programming I hear on the TV and the radio (Songs of Praise I admit I could sing along to, a result of being forced into a chapel at school, and the World Services religious program can be thought provoking but ultimataly useless).
Pray tell, are the religious forced to give up their worship? And does your religious feelings and thoughts cater to those that, never mind finally seeing the truth and the light that there are no gods, maybe don't worship the Christian version of divinity? Last time I checked, Sundays were the main day off, not Friday or Saturday. Last time I lived in the UK, Xmas and Easter were the main holidays, along with the summer hols - not Divali or the end of Ramadan.

Methinks one does protest too much - welcome to the real world.

Unknown said...

Reading this post out of context, i thought you were serious until the last sentence. A re-reading shows you were being sarcastic.

You are of course completely right, getting people to think about life in general may cause them discomfort. It's probably best we ensure people remain relatively ignorant about the strong possibility of their being no god, it might upset those who base their life around one.

Anonymous said...

Atheism is the default position for children. All children are born atheists.

Anonymous said...

To say Dr. Dawkins wishes to indoctrinate children is not only quite libellous, but also rather ironic coming from a vicar, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

I always love to see a good uninformaed rant by some religious apologist. Puts a smile on my face for the next few seconds.

Unknown said...

Perhaps we should all tell our Children Father Christmas does'nt exist...