Tuesday, October 21, 2008

All Souls

One of my early childhood memories of life in Bruxelles is visiting the graves of family members on All Souls Day, 2nd November. At the time we didnt have a car and so took the bus through the city to the cemetery. The bus was packed with people holding wreaths of white flowers - a local tradition and the aroma of flowers was terrific.

Many churches are rediscovering All Souls as a way of inviting people to remember loved ones and praying for them. Maybe this is because churches are wanting to encourage a healthier view of death and dying? It is all too easy to see death and mourning as morbid things rather than something which part of life.

Death is part of the human condition. In someways it defines us. St Francis of Assisi who died at an early age described death as a 'brother'. He saw it as friend to be embraced because it would lead him to his Master. In his Canticle of the Sun (the words we know as the hymn: 'All Creatures of Our God and King') he writes positively of death. Could it be that as Christians we have not spoken enough of death and therefore lost an important dimension to our spirituality?

On November 2nd Holy Trinity Church 3pm we will be holding a benefice service of remembrance for all those who have died. It will be an opportunity for people to come and hear some readings, reflections and light a candle. Names of the departed will also be read out. This will be in place of evensong. If you want to come and have transport problems please let us know by ringing either me (842853) or Stella at the office (842626) and we will make arrangements for you. If you are unable to come but would like the name of your relative read out please feel free to let us know.

With every good wish

Father Daniel
Benefice vicar

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forwrad to seeing you