Friday, May 16, 2008

Richard Dawkins Really Irritates

Last week I got particularly irrittated by the nation's evangelist for athiesm Richard Dawkins. Given airspace on Radio 4 he babbled on about religion being not founded on reason and that believers like me are simply talking to an imaginary friend rather than praying to God. He is entitled to his opinions but I cannot believe he was let off the hook so easily on religion, in particular Christianity, being unreasonable. For something to be devoid of reason it would have to be incoherent, implausible, and illogical.

It strikes me that it is quite valid to believe that an intelligent reasonable being was able to create the universe from nothing. Further more, it I can't see anything unreasonable or illogical in believing that this being would incarnate himself into a living human being. You may not believe it, you may not like it, but you have to accept that it is possible. Likewise it is no dimunition to someones intelligence to believe in this. Instead we should remember that some of the best brains have been, and are, practising Christians.

So if there any militant athiests out there, come on, tell me how is my faith unreasonable?