Sunday, March 28, 2010

Holy Week Services

The Easter break appears to be upon us with lots of visitors pouring into Salcombe. The benefice has a number of services this Holy Week and I have listed them below.

Wednesday at 2pm at Salcombe Church
School Service with children exploring the Passover Meal

Maundy Thursday at Galmpton Church 6pm
Eucharist of the Last Supper

Good Friday
10am at Salcombe. A Walk of Witness starting at Whitestrands and followed by an ecumenical service at the church around 11am.
10am Ecumenical service at All Saints Malborough

Easter Day
At Salcombe there is a dawn service at North Sands (lasting about 30 mins) starting at 6am. There then is an 8am Prayer Book Communion and 10 Family Eucharist. A songs of praise service is on at 6.30pm with many favourite hymns.

At Malborough the Easter Service is at 10am and at Galmpton 11am.

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