Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Democrats Just Dont Get It!

I remember big wigs in the Democrat Party in the last US election saying that they now realised they had to listen to the Christian voice after John Kelly (Heinz-means-beans!) lost. Although a Catholic Kerry was humilated by members of the heirarchy because of his pro-choice stance. Now after defeat there was going to be a move to dialogue with the moral majority, middle America, pro-life movements. So what was the result of all of this naval gazing - nothing? The party narrowed it down to Hillary Clinton, pro-choice, and Barak Obama, very pro-choice. And what amazes me is that they cannot understand why Sarah Palin has pulled the rug under their feet. Are they all lemings? Last year I prediced that the Democrats would lose and that McCain would become president. I stand by that bet. I cannot get my head around why the Democrats could not find a pro-life candidate? The same problem (to a lesser degree) seems to be here in Labour, a party which is divorcing itself from its Christian roots.

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