The readings reflect that God is building and rebuilding, that Christ is our cornerstone and the the Gospel is the foundation to our lives as Christians. One my favourite stories is of how the young Francis of Assisi visited runied church of St Damiano and when he looked up at the icon cross he heard Christ's voice - "Francis, go and rebuild my church, which you see is in ruin." Hurriedly he did not realising until later that his master was actually talking about the universal brotherhood.
TS Eliot said that the Church is constantly in need of building and rebuilding. Like the bread at the Eucharist the Church is taken, blessed, broken and given back. I think we come to places like not only to hallow the memory of its sacredness, or even to perpetuate worship, but to offer our lives to building of his Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Hi, I have just been on holiday in your delightful region and came across St Andrews South Huish and fell in love with the place to the extent that I wrote the following poem which I wanted to share;
The church is ruined grandeur speaking, stone hard rock to weather worn,
Tower clinging, mass to heighten, no roof to set the intact form.
Deserted now for many years, the generations through life's door,
young dreams, old wisdom, loves and tears, in pews now gone where grass is floor.
I rested on a summers walk, but Christmas was the moment chosen,
giddy children, happy chatter, kindness in God's house was frozen.
The unknown lives were in my head, but tangible though, just the same,
although fictitious still not dead, connection lingered in my brain.
I sucked the melancholy in, sat on the altar step I owned.
A moment fused the thoughts absorbed, within the stone the structure groaned.
The moment spent repaid tenfold as now I ponder on the scene,
Did they exist for me to hold, connection, fantasy or dream?
The divide is set, it cannot change, time cannot merge its arrow flies,
and yet the moment rearranged, I swear I heard the children's cries.
Chris .....Leeds
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