Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Commons Fails to Reform Abortion Law

I have just watched live on TV the House of Commons debate on reducing the time limit for abortions. Sadly each motion, to reduce to 12, 16 and 20 weeks did not pass. The pro-choice arguments failed to address the humanity of the unborn child. Is what is in the womb a human being with potential or a potential human being? I know which I believe.

What we seem to have created in Western society is a moral system based on emotivism. So for example, if I "feel" the child in the womb is not human then it must not be human. This is irrespective of the objective truth of the matter, ie, the feotus is a human being. It is a consumerist philosophy where we buy into, or pick and choose, what we think suits. Beyond the womb, I believe this can make us turn a blind eye to other ethical questions. Do the poor and starving people exist if I can't see them? If I dont "feel" moved to help then do I have to help? Surely we should by virtue help those who are in poverty becuase ?

None of this is to take away the awful plight of women caught up the dilemna of having an abortion. It is a dreadful situation for many of these women and I suspect all sides on the abortion argument could agree that support from the wider society is lacking and that many of these women are also victims of society turning a blind eye and looking for a quick solution.

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