Sunday, March 16, 2008

County Council Prayers Ban

According to the Western Morning News 12th March - front page - NALC has asked Devon County council to ban prayers at the start of meeting. They apparently could fall foul of the Human Rights Act and the Race Discrimination Act. NALC are worried of a potential challenge in the courts.

Are these people COMPLETLY bonkers? A UK survey done last year concluded the vast majority of other faiths in Britain are more than happy that prayers are said - even though they are Christian. In fact the report implied that people of other religions wanted to urge Christians to be more vocal and be more assertive. They were not offended by prayers, Christmas, Easter, Whitsun, crosses, crucifixes, church bells, etc, etc. Rather, they got comfort that they were in a society with a religious heritage.

Who is really complaining about this? I suspect its a small group of politically correct pen-pushers who are keen to marginalise the Christian faith. You wonder, did they have a bad experience at Sunday School all those years ago?

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